Martin Atkinson

Martin Atkinson is a Green Party Candidate for Tiverton West Exe.

I’m passionate about the future, a sustainable greener future that benefits all of us. I believe that to build a better future for all we must invest in our children. We must invest in youth clubs and services, in youth leaders giving our children hope and local role models to inspire and raise aspirations.  We must equip our children with the skills to navigate future difficulties and to become custodians of a more equitable sustainable future. We need to improve 21st century life skills such as empathy, team work, communication, critical thinking and creativity. 

I have been employed in the education and community sector for 17 years. First as a community education coordinator in an area of economic deprivation and then as a secondary school teacher and senior leader in equally deprived areas. I have been a resident of Tiverton for 2 years having moved my young family into the area. I am passionate about improving the life chances of children and I’m passionate about a fairer greener future.

Martin’s District