The Green Party wants Real Change
Greens want to tackle the cost of living crisis and make life better, fairer and cleaner
Renew our Economy
- Insulate every home, cutting energy bills; raise standards for new buildings and build more genuinely affordable housing
- Upgrade transport infrastructure for more choice and convenience
- Support small businesses to prosper, keeping money and jobs local
- Invest in renewables to provide cheap local energy
- Benefits should cover the cost of necessities and rise in line with inflation
Repair our NHS
- A fully public well-resourced health service. No more creeping privatisation
- Ensure health and social care are joined up and free at the point of need
- Invest more in preventive health care to save more later
- Fight for fair funding for all rural services
Restore our rivers
- More support for farmers to grow food in nature-friendly ways and to help wildlife thrive
- Protect existing woodlands and biodiversity and plant more trees
- Stop companies using nature as a dumping ground
- Take water companies into public ownership