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Gill Westcott is standing for Central Devon. Gill has a background in teaching (primary and secondary) and research. She’s helped grow and sell vegetables, taught peer educators on climate change in schools and run craft-based camping holidays. She’s a grandmother, a Mid Devon District councillor, and a director of New Prosperity Devon which promotes a strong sustainable local economy and Community Wealth Building.
Gill helped found Cheriton Bishop Community Land Trust to provide social housing in her rural village.

Laura Buchanan is standing for Tiverton and Honiton. Laura lives near Tiverton and works as a Project Manager at Exeter University as well as a Development Manager for Share Shop Tiverton (a library of things). She is passionate about sustainability, has a particular interest in food and growing and has worked at DEFRA and the Soil Association in the past.

“I’m standing to be the Green Party candidate for Tiverton & Minehead as I don’t think any other party is prepared to take decisive actions to protect our planet and create the fairer society we need. It seems the green agenda is a low priority for the other parties just at the time where it needs to be at the centre of every decision made.”

Local Election ResultsMay 2024

Greens have had outstanding successes in the local elections. There are a record number of Green Councillors – over 800 in 174 councils!
We’ve won a record 34 Green Councillors on Bristol Council. Every single Councillor in Bristol Central is Green, bringing us one step closer to ensuring that Carla Denyer will be our next Green MP there.
Green councillors were elected for the first time in Hampshire, Bolton, Newcastle, Redditch and Sefton councils. We took seats from Conservatives in Peterborough, Redditch, Winchester, South Norfolk, Basingstoke, Worthing and Calderdale, from Labour in
Colchester, Exeter, Reading, Norwich and Leeds and from Liberal Democrats in West Oxfordshire, Three Rivers, Sheffield, and Cheltenham.
 In Worcester we’ve won 12 seats – a record in the city – and we got the largest vote share city wide.
 An incredible result in Maidstone growing from three to nine Councillors.
 In Hastings we have grown from four to twelve Councillors – making us the largest party on the council.