Climate Emergency Conversations

30 people joined the first ‘Mid Devon Climate Conversation’, hosted online by Green Councillor Elizabeth Wainwright for Mid Devon District Council. Participants included representatives from town and parish councils, Sustainable Tiverton, Heathcoat Fabrics, Sustainable Crediton, and Exeter Community  Energy. These will be regular conversations, and will guide and feed into the Council’s Climate Action Plan. Elizabeth thanked the participants and reported:

Town and parish councillors, local businesses and community groups shared some of the initiatives they’re working on. The group discussed what a plant-friendly Mid Devon would look like, and current problems and opportunities. Future calls will look at topics like planning, transport, farming, communications and more.”

The Green Party argues that learning from the Covid pandemic needs to apply to the climate crisis: businesses need more support to adjust to the post-Covid situation and to build a green recovery compatible with climate safety.


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